The climate challenge is an investment opportunity
All over the world climate change leads to extreme weather that damage property and infrastructure. In Greater Copenhagen we are especially challenged by heavy rain. In 2011, the cost of one single cloudburst was almost one billion Euros. But we are determined to turn this challenge into an opportunity to invest in livability and green growth.
Adaptation with added value
We improve our water management capacity by redesigning our cities to handle water locally and use it to build green and blue spaces with multiple benefits at the same time. And we support the local solutions with a core infrastructure and smart monitoring and control systems to prevent sewer overflows and safeguard the environment. As a result, you can take a swim in the harbor and enjoy a much more liveable city.
A living lab joins the forces
But it is not an easy task and we want to do more, better and faster. And we wish to share our knowledge with the rest of the world. This is why Greater Copenhagen city, utility, research and industry partners have joined forces and established an ambitious full-scale climate adaptation living lab. The joint initiative is CALL Copenhagen.
In strong partnerships, we develop and market the best possible climate adaptation solutions.
Come on board
Read more about the CALL Copenhagen partnership here: